Sunday, March 31, 2013

March 26, 2013

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Continuing my series of images from our Safari in Tanzania (which included Lake Manyara, The Serengeti and the Ngorongoro Crater), I now bring you some lovely birds including storks, herons, ostrich and crowned cranes.  
 Heron building her nest for her babies.

Heron guarding her nest. 

Stork kickin' it at Serengeti National Park. 

Crowned crane being exiled by his brethren. 

Sir Ostrich, surveying his home.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

March 25, 2013

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Continuing my series of images from our Safari in Tanzania (which included Lake Manyara, The Serengeti and the Ngorongoro Crater), I present to you my favorite animal in the world (and the last photo is evidence of that).  Elephants are such dynamic creatures.  We were so stunned and awed to have over 50 elephants surround us as we stopped the truck and just watched them watch us.  Nature at its best.
Happy and Hungry and Wholly fed.

 Chillin' with his homie

 Baby and Mama go separate ways (momentarily, Mama hooted and baby followed her, once again).

Laughing man.

Happy baby.

This bull had some sort of prostate problem (constant leakage).  He was hungry but also feeling very defiant.  He faked a couple of charges at our truck, and came right up to the windows.  We just stayed calm, kept the engine turned off and enjoyed his angst-like company.
My elephant tattoo.

Friday, March 29, 2013

March 24, 2013

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We had no illusions that we would see "The Big Five" on our safari, but, 'lo and behold, we did!  Below, I've posted some of my favorite big cat moments.  Seeing leopards is a skill that our guide exhibited with aplomb.  Without him, we never would have seen that treed lady.

Monsieur Lion was sitting next to his wife (she's to the right, hidden in the tall grass), getting ready for go number 643 of his 6-day, every-15-minute love marathon).  I kid you not.  Look it up.

 Watching her babies.

 Watchful Mamas.

 Baby in the bosom of the Acacia tree.

 Tree-hugging leopard.

 Solitary man.

All photos taken with Nikon D600 and Tamron lenses 70 - 300mm and 25 - 70mm.

March 23, 2013

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On our third night of Safari-ing, we stayed at The Sopa Lodge directly on the edge of the Ngorongoro Crater.  We were very lucky to be there for sunset.  I took over 120 photos, but will spare you every one.  Here are a couple of highlights from that session.  Enjoy.

All images take with Nikon D600 and Tamron 25 - 70mm lens.

March 22, 2013

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As a part of a short series on our African Safari in Tanzania (that included Lake Manyara, The Serengeti and The Ngorongoro Crater), here are some images of more velvet monkeys at Lake Manyara, as Mama nitpicks her little baby.

All images taken with my Nikon D600, Tamron 70 - 300mm lens.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

March 21, 2013

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While on safari in Serengeti National Park, Tanzania, we witnessed some amazing and wonderful events. Below is a fleeting and amazing moment with just one of a myriad of velvet monkeys we met.

Amazing to see his modesty (or embarrassment? Shame?).

Location:Serengeti National Park, Tanzania

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

March 17-20, 2013

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On our 4th night in Tanzania, we are staying on the edge of Ngorogoro Crater. Soon, I will share photos from our previous days in the Serengeti. So amazing here!


Friday, March 15, 2013

March 15, 2013

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Indian Ocean, Western Cape, Garden Route,Tsitsikamma National Park Reservation, South Africa, sunset.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

March 14, 2013

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The Sheldrick Baby Elephant Sanctuary in Nairobi, Kenya has tragic reasons for existence but, good grief, these babies are cute! So happy to support them any way I can.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

March 13, 2013

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Rwanda's first ever public library!

A view from the rooftop cafe at the public library: Rwanda has built various (somewhat non sequitur) tracts of housing as part of their Vision 2020. It makes for a surprising view.

Not only does the rooftop cafe have tasty African tea (ginger root tea with spices and milk) but they have one heck of a view, too!

All the time I've spent in libraries has taught me how to read upside down and backwards.

Location:Rue des Parcs,Kigali,Rwanda

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

March 12. 2013

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Paper beads are ubiquitous in East Africa.  Made from pages of old magazines, (mostly) women create these with glue, paint and shellac--a very inexpensive process that leads to modest profits.  And, we expats ("Muzungu" to the locals) buy them in bunches.  Here, a vendor displays her work at last year's Kigali Up! Music Festival. 

Monday, March 11, 2013

March 11, 2013

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While visiting family in Singapore, we had a lovely trip to the Botanical gardens. This orchid was one of a myriad of beauties. Perhaps one day we'll move there and I'll spend more time at the gardens.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

March 10, 2013

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While traveling through the Rwandan countryside, I've had some wonderful opportunities to meet some lovely people. This young girl, and her gaggle of friends, was simply delighted to mug for the camera.

The mischief-maker on the right was always running up to see his photo after I shot it. Out of breath from all the excitement, he also always took the opportunity to touch some part of me--kids love to connect with me when I take their photos. Makes sense to me.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

March 9, 2013

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Two years ago, to the day, Mark and I took the first of our, now, countless international adventures to Belize and Guatemala. Here, we visited Tikal, Guatemala (infamous for things far beyond Mayans, as you'll see in the next image).

We climbed every temple they allowed us to. From here, you may recognize the view, as featured in "Star Wars: A New Hope." We were pretty much in Nerd heaven.

Friday, March 8, 2013

March 8, 2013

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While strolling through the Botanical Gardens in Christchurch, NZ, we happened upon this hungry little bugger.

Location:Rue des Parcs,Kigali,Rwanda

Thursday, March 7, 2013

March 7, 2013

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Whilst on our honeymoon, Mark and I drove almost the entire length of the South Island of New Zealand.  We frequently would come to a screeching halt to stop and take tons of photos.  Here are a couple of photos from our screeching halt at Lake Wanaka in Wanaka, New Zealand.  Ya, I know. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

March 6, 2013

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While on our honeymoon, Mark and I visited Queenstown, NZ.  Here is the view from our hotel.  Lake Wakatipu is an old lake that was created over 15,000 years ago by a receding glacier.  The mountains surround it on all sides, making for incredible vistas, any time of day.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

March 5, 2013

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Community Health Workers are an integral part of educating Rwandans about (among other things) HIV, malaria and gender-based violence prevention and effective forms of birth control.  As part of the 5-year BCSM (behavior change social marketing) project begun by a partnership of USAID, Johns Hopkins and PSI, it is now self-sustaining; these gentlemen are pillars of their communities as they help guide their villages through various issues and family problems.

This man, who told his story of abusing his wife and children (his wife is in the background) finally stopped when Community Health Workers intervened on behalf of his wife and kids.  They helped to educate him about marriage and also helped him quit drinking alcohol.  Here, he talks about how he and his wife have reconciled.

Monday, March 4, 2013

March 4, 2013

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Last June, I had the opportunity to document Johns Hopkins' and USAIDs Behavior Change Social Marketing (BCSM) program.  Here, young men perform acrobatics at an event in Western Rwanda, to help educate small villages about condoms, ending gender-based-violence and reducing malaria. The excitement in the crowd was scintillating.